Insolvency Services

Debtors who are insolvent and burdened by the enormity of their financial debt situation, require the best possible support from our experienced team. We offer services to help you. Contact us today to make your fresh start!

Debt Settlement Arrangement(DSA)

Covers unsecured debts such as loans, overdrafts, and credit cards. One monthly payment that you can afford will go towards your debts for a period of time, usually 5 years, with the balance then written off.

Personal Insolvency Arrangement(PIA)

 Covers unsecured debts and secured debts(mortgages). Usually includes staying in the family home, restructuring/partial write down of your mortgage, and making one monthly payment that you can afford in respect of your other debts for a period of time, usually 6 years, with the balance then written off.


If a DSA or PIA are not suitable and your debts are greater than €20,000, this may be the appropriate solution for you.

Mediation & informal debt solution

In cases where the above solutions are not appropriate, we can provide access to mediated or informal debt solutions

​Why use PIPSolutions ?

PIPSolutions is unique in that its team brings together qualified professionals such as Accountants; Solicitors and Mediators in one organisation to assist debtors with financial, legal and negotiation services. There are very few organisations in Ireland currently that provide this complete suite of services to the individual with debt problems.
PIPSolutions provides a nationwide service to ensure the debtor receives assistance of the highest quality and integrity on all debt resolution matters. The relationship with our is built on trust, respect and the assurance that their case will be considered with care and professionalism.

“Debtors who are insolvent and burdened by the enormity of their financial debt situation, require the best possible support from our very experienced multi-discipline team”

We are proud that our team is focused, pragmatic, professional, result driven and friendly.

Let us find a solution to your debt situation and get a fresh start!

What is the role of the PIP?

The role of the Personal Insolvency Practitioner (PIP) is central to the new debt resolution legislation, the Personal Insolvency Act, 2012. In this, it states that a debtor who wishes to enter into either of the two arrangements:

  • Debt Settlement Arrangement (DSA) or;
  • Personal Insolvency Arrangement (PIA).

Must engage with a registered PIP.

The debtor must submit to a PIP a written statement disclosing all of his/her financial affairs including debts and other liabilities, assets and guarantees given by the debtor in relation to the debt of any other person and such other relevant financial information.

When does a client officially appoint a PIP?

Following a review of the financial information and any other supporting documentation, the PIP will hold a meeting with the debtor and advise him/her of the options for addressing the financial difficulties. The PIP will also provide information relating to the procedure and likely costs of associated with any arrangement under the legislation.

It is only after this meeting that a debtor who wishes to become part to an arrangement shall appoint a PIP. It is on this appointment that the PIP shall notify the Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI) of his or her appointment.

On receipt of the financial information, the PIP will assist the debtor in completing a prescribed financial statement (PFS).

On the completion of the PFS, the PIP shall advise the debtor of his/her options for addressing the financial difficulties and his/her eligibility to make a proposal for a Debt Settlement Arrangement or a Personal Insolvency Arrangement.

In advising the debtor, the PIP must consider the value of the debtor’s unsecured debts as compared to the value of the debtor’s secured debts and whether the debtor has communicated with his secured creditors to renegotiate or restructure the secured debts.

On receipt of an instruction, the PIP shall complete a statement confirming that he/she is of the opinion that the information contained in the debtor’s prescribed financial statement is complete and accurate and that the debtor is eligible either to make a proposal for a Debt Settlement Arrangement or a Personal Insolvency Arrangement. Also the PIP will also state that having considered the personal financial statement completed by the debtor that there is no prospect that the debtor will become solvent within a period of 5 years commencing on the date on which the statement is made.